Zardini Stufe - Una ditta artigiana
Zardini Stufe - Ecologia e rendimento termico
Zardini Stufe - Creazioni su misura
Zardini Stufe - Informazioni
Zardini Stufe - Le biostufe
Zardini Stufe - Ecologia e rendimento termico


Zardini Ceramic Stoves are “green certificated” creations. Built on-site by master stove builders, they feature powerful ecological fire chambers which optimise the combustion process, burn efficiently, and deliver environmentally sustainable heat to the home.
These truly sustainable, lasting goods have reached the important goal of respecting the environment and have become fundamental to face the gloomiest global energy forecasts. In some products, the powerful, efficient heat output generated by irradiation is complemented by the emission of convective hot air which circulates in special air spaces inside the stove walls.